Θανάσης Μαρβάκης ΠΤΔΕ ΑΠΘ

Marvakis Athanasios


Department of Social & Cultural Studies
Clinical Social Psychology

 Office 908

 Wednesday 12:00 – 14:00

 +30 2310 991296


Athanasios Marvakis, German educated psychologist (Dipl.-Psych., Dr. rer. soc., both University of Tübingen/Germany), is Professor in Clinical Social Psychology at the School of Primary Education at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Greece. Since 1990 teaching and/or research experience, presentations and invited lectures in Germany, Latvia, Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, Greece, United Kingdom, Austria, Turkey, South Africa, Luxemburg, China, Canada, Denmark, Mexico, Brazil and Chile.

His interests revolve around psychology and its relations with the various forms of social inequalities and social exclusion (e.g., racism, nationalism, ethnicism, multiculturalism); youth as a social group; refugees and migrants in Greece; solidarity as theoretical and practical issue and tool in the social sciences. Furthermore, in the last years he is engaged in the critical psychology of learning, the ‘schooling-complex’, and the neoliberalisation of the psychological regime.

  • Marvakis, A. (2019). Nationalism and/or developing understanding of society? In: M. Fleer & F. González Rey & P. E. Jones (Eds.). Cultural-historical and critical psychology: common ground, divergences and future pathways. New York: Springer.
  • Marvakis, A. (2019). The Neoliberal Framing of (Critical) Psychology. Annual Review of Critical Psychology.
  • Schraube, E. & Marvakis, A. (2019). Against Bisected Learning. Annual Review of Critical Psychology.
  • Triliva, S. & Marvakis, A. (2019). Neoliberal Psy-Practices in Greece. In: L. Huerta & J. M. F. Osorio (Eds.). Las ciencias sociales al otro lado del discurso neoliberal. Puebla, México: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
  • Anastasiadou, M. Marvakis, A., Mezidou, P. & Speer, M. (2017 & 2018). From Transit Hub to Dead End: A Chronicle of Idomeni. München: bordermonitoring.eu e.V. Available: English: https://bordermonitoring.eu/wp-content/uploads/reports/bm.eu-2017-idomeni.en.pdf & Greek: https://bordermonitoring.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/bm.eu-2017-idomeni.gr_.pdf
  • Marvakis, A. & Anastasiadou, M. (2017). Rassismus als Einübung in die neoliberale Transformation der griechischen Gesellschaft. In: E. Meral & F. Karim (Hrsg.). Rassismuskritik und Widerstandsformen: Nationale und internationale Formen von Rassismus und Widerstand (S. 91-106). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Marvakis, A., Triliva, S. & Tourtouras, Chr. (2016). Neoliberalismus (nicht nur) in Griechenland und seine Konsequenzen für die Psychologie: Neue Arbeitsregime, neue PsychologInnen. Journal für Psychologie, 24(2), PsychologInnen prekär Available: https://www.journal-fuer-psychologie.de/index.php/jfp/article/view/410/449
  • Schraube, E. & Marvakis, A. (2015). Frozen fluidity: Digital technologies and the transformation of students’ learning and conduct of everyday life. In: E. Schraube & C. Højholt (Eds.). Psychology and the Conduct of Everyday Life (pp. 205-225). London: Routledge.
  • Marvakis, A. & Petritsi, I. (2014). Solidarity, not Adjustment: Activism Learning as (Self)Education. In: T. Corcoran (Ed.). Psychology in Education: Critical Theory-Practice (pp. 129-144). Rotterdam: Sense.
  • Μαρβάκης, Α., Αναστασιάδου, Μ., Πετρίτση, Ι. & Αναγνωστοπούλου, Τ. (2013). Νεολαία και Άκρα Δεξιά στην Ελλάδα. (Μελέτη για το Ίδρυμα Friedrich Ebert). Available: http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/id/10156.pdf
  • Marvakis, A. & Motzkau, J. & Painter, D., Ruto-Korir, R. C., Sullivan, G., Triliva, S. & Wieser, M. (Eds.) (2013). Doing Psychology under new Conditions (selected papers from the 14th Biennial Conference of the ISTP in Thessaloniki, GR). Concord, CA: Captus Press.
  • Dafermos, M., Marvakis, A., Mentinis, M., Painter, D. & Triliva, S. (2013). Guest Editors of the special issue “Critical Psychology in a Changing world II – Building bridges and expanding the dialogue”. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, No 10.
  • Marvakis, A. (2012).No place. Nowhere’ for Migrants’ Subjectivity!? Critical reflections on the dominant discourses about integration. In: Z. Bekerman & T. Geisen (Eds.). International Handbook Migration, Minorities, and Education – Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in processes of Learning ( 67-83). New York: Springer.
  • Marvakis, A. (2012). Lehrstück Griechenland. Neoliberale Krisenkonstruktion, oder: Warum aus einer griechischen Fliege ein europäischer Elefant gemacht wird. Das Argument, No. 296, 54(1/2), 11-19.
  • Μαρβάκης, Α. & Μεντίνης, Μ. (2012). Κριτική εισαγωγή στην Κοινωνική Ψυχολογία. Θεσσαλονίκη: Επίκεντρο.
  • Marvakis, A. (2011). La psicología (crítica) permanentemente en la encrucijada: sirvientes del poder y herramientas para la emancipación. (Critical) Psychology Permanently at Crossroads: Servants of Power and Tool for Emancipation). Teoría y crítica de la psicología Available: http://www.teocripsi.com
  • Marvakis, A. (2010). Integration: Versprechen, Kampffeld und Chimäre. Forum Kritische Psychologie, 54, 81-94.
  • Marvakis, A. (2009). The dialectics of new fascism. Utopia, No. 83, 93-106
  • Painter, D., Marvakis, A. & Mos, L. (2009). Guest Editors of a special issue on “German Critical Psychology – Interventions in Honor of Klaus Holzkamp”. Theory & Psychology, 19(2), 139-147.
  • Dafermos, M. & Marvakis, A. (2009). Vermitteltes Erkennen der Welt – Lernen nach S. L. Rubinstein. Forum Kritische Psychologie, 53, 71-100.
  • Dimitri, A., Marvakis, A., Parsanoglou, D. & Petrakou, I. (2008). Precarious Trajectories: Migrant youth regimes in Greece. In: G. Titley, Gavan & A. Lentin (Eds.). The Politics of Diversity ( 103-118). Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.
  • Marvakis, A. (2007). The utopian surplus in human agency — Using Ernst Bloch’s philosophy for psychology. In: Daventer, Vasi van et al. (Eds.). Citizen City. Between constructing agent and constructed agency (pp. 278-288). Concord, CA: Captus Press.
  • Invited public interventions in Greece, Germany, Austria on issues like racism, immigration, New Right, etc.
  • Interventions in the press on topical issues, e.g. immigration, refugees, psychologization of social phenomena, etc.